
What's in your Fridge?

(Not my fridge, but one Kara might enjoy!)

A good friend and I were contemplating life one day,....o.k. it happens all the time! She made the comment that how people keep order in their refrigerators say a lot about the way they keep order in their relationships. This could be either a comforting thought, or a scary one; depending on how long it has been since you have thrown out the left-overs is yours! I've thought a little bit about this lately, and discovered that there is a whole Refrigerator Rights movement going on out there. At what point does a friend become a close enough friend to help themselves to the contents of your fridge? See the book "Refrigerator Rights".

What I want you to do is have some fun, thinking for yourself if the two; how you keep your fridge and your relationships, have any correlation. To get started, figure out what is in your fridge.


Then for fun: log onto YouTube and follow the feature video:

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