"There are three species of creatures who when they seem coming are going, when they seem going they come: diplomats, women, and crabs." John Hay, 19th century American diplomat
Or...maybe by walking sideways we actually have a little different perspective of the journey!
I just can't stay out of the kitchen; even on vacation.
Two years ago when we visited Newport Beach we came across a fishing operation. It has been in operation since 1891 and is the last co-op fishing operation of it's kind in the U.S. California actually bypassed the commercial fishing regulations to allow them to stay in operation. The fishermen go out in small fishing boats, stay out all night fishing and bring in their catch early in the morning. So this summer when we returned to Newport Beach we were at Doryman's early one morning at bought a couple of live crabs. It was fascinating! We discussed the best way to 'cook a crab' with one of the fisherman's wives and went back to our place to begin. We woke up the kids after we got back from our walk, I changed back into my Jammies and started this latest adventure in cooking!